Frequently Asked Questions

How does SteemAuto work?

Steemauto uses your account posting authority to post, upvote, and claim rewards for you automatically.

What is posting authority?

In the Steem blockchain, each account have different keys that let you access different parts of the account. One of these keys is the 'posting key' which can be used to post, comment, upvote, follow, and etc. When using a posting key you can't access an account's balances, so your funds are perfectly safe.

Is SteemAuto secure?

SteemAuto is an open source app. You can view all of its source code at its GitHub repository.

Why should I enter my password at

We are using to broadcast the transaction which will allow @woxauto to use your account posting authority. To broadcasting this (and any) transaction you will need to input your password. Of course, you can remove this access any time by clicking on 'Unauthorize' button in your dashboard.

Do you have any access to my account balance?

No, SteemAuto can only publish a post, upvote, follow, resteem, and claim rewards. It can not access your account balance in any way.

Will SteemAuto use my account without my permission?

No, Steemauto Will not replace / modify / remove your voting priority .

What is a Curation Trail?

By using the 'Curation Trail' section, you can automatically upvote the posts (not comments) which are upvoted by the selected user. You can configure the 'upvote weight' for each user on the 'Curation Trail' page. You can also sumbit a short description and become a "trail" which other users will be able to follow. Note: For upvoting a user's authored posts, you should use Fanbase. Curation trails will not follow self upvotes.

What is the difference between 'Scale' and 'Fixed' options when following curation trails?

Fixed voting weight means you will upvote with exact percentage you entered.
Scaled voting weight means your voting weight will be changed (i.e. scaled) by the trail's voting weight. For example, if you followed a trail with this option set to 10% then if that trail upvotes a post by 50%, your upvote weight will be 5% (10% of 50%)

What is a Fanbase?

By using the 'Fanbase' section, you can automatically upvote your favorite authors immediately after they publish any post (not comments). You can configure the 'upvote weight' for each user on the 'Fanbase' page.

Will my upvotes be replaced if I manually upvoted a post?

No. In other tools if you upvote any post twice with different upvote weights, the first upvote is overriden by the second upvote. In the Steemauto this problem is fixed. You can upvote any post manually before applying auto upvotes and the manual vote will not be overriden.

What is Optional benefiaciary in the schedule post?

@wox-helpfund is a charity organized by The world of Xpilar , and with this setup certain percent of your rewards will be sent to this account directly by the blockchain

Any other question?

Ask your questions from the Contact page.

Useful articles:

Steemit Essentials - Steemauto by @energyaddict22

STEEMAUTO - Full guide and how to REGISTER by @scrooger

Spanish video tutorial by @vidafitnessfeliz